How to grow your membership base after lockdown
As lockdown restrictions begin to ease, many membership organisations are planning to adopt a new combination of remote and face-to-face offers for their members. Creating a hybrid membership model that includes a mix of in-person and online activities.
This new model promises greater access and increased engagement, particularly for members that are geographically further away. Many of our clients are accused of being too London or hub centric. Could this new offer resolve that issue?
A hybrid model could offer lower costs, more flexibility and an improved member experience. However, our member research tells us that challenges arise from the differences in behaviours and engagement perceived when taking part in online and face-to-face experiences.
When shifting to more virtual events and activities, don’t lose sight of the need to build trust with and between your members and continue to develop the membership organisation’s culture and ethos. In-person attendees benefit from the social elements of an experience, online offers will need to incorporate elements of relationship-building too.
The sense of belonging, common purpose and shared identity that our membership clients build with their members is key to much of their success. It is what inspires members to engage, support and stay loyal to the organisation. If that is lost, it will negatively impact member retention as well as the association’s performance.
Take action now
Now is the time, as you review your membership offers, to research your member base. Find out what is important to your members in this new world.
Have their goals changed and how would they like to engage?
Pay careful attention to the effect of your new offering. Base it on facts and don’t forget to focus on the ties that bind your members together.
Insights will help you create a new membership model that is both fit for future and your members, whether they interact remotely, face-to-face, or a combination of the two.
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Grow your membership base
If you think your membership organisation could benefit from our 10+ years of industry-leading experience in membership research and proposition development, please contact us on or call 0345 955 5155.
Find out about our membership expertise: Membership Research | Membership Consultancy.